One of our blog readers shared a tip for a play with possible male nudity. VERMONT by Rachel Carey.
From the press release:
by Rachel Carey
July 18-30 @ 8PM (plus some matinees)
The Wild Project Theater 195 E 3rd Street, NY, NY (Aves A & B)
1972. Can a young couple solve their marital issues by joining a hippie commune? Rachel Carey, author of our first streaming and on-stage productions (The Female Genius; The Disciple) returns with an uproarious comedy about youthful boomers trying to change the world… by totally escaping it.
Written and Directed by Rachel Carey
Starring Sadithi De Zilva, Cian Genaro, Jessica Noboa, Rob Riordan, Zach Speigel, and Alexandra Sumakis.
Both Broadway World and SpinCycle ad note that this production has nudity and not for under 18. My experience has been any play with a hippie/New Age theme usually has nudity.
From the ticket website for the show: Note: be advised that VERMONT contains brief full male nudity. So we know the nudity is male!