It’s that time of the month again for the Naked Comedy in Brooklyn!

Date and time
Friday, March 22 · 8 – 11:30pm EDT
Hacienda Villa: Address to be confirmed via email.
Broadway Brooklyn, NY 11206Refund Policy
Refunds up to 1 day before event
Eventbrite’s fee is nonrefundable.
About this event
- 3 hours 30 minutes
We tried doing clothed comedy for $10, but y’all didn’t show up. So…
Come see New York City’s funniest and bravest nude comedians in a hilarious and daring naked comedy show!
Audience members can undress too! The first two rows of seating are a nudity-optional space.

For those who have been before, is the venue hard to get to, either by car or subway?
I believe M or J train to Myrtle Ave
Easy walk from the Myrtle Ave subway. Worth the schlep and 45 bucks.
Thanks! Will need to check this out soon! Another question – how are the views? I have been to other naked comedy shows where the seats were not on risers so a lot was blocked by people’s heads. Are the views clear for the audience?
It’s a pretty small venue. The only issue is the chairs are on a flat surface so a tall person sitting in front of you could block the view. I think there are 5 rows of folding chairs. You need to be naked to sit in the front 2 rows and people are! I found it very tittaling. Check the roster to make sure you have the show with the most males. I had 4 males and 1 female (pregnant!!!) who performed. I found the host, Billy Procida, rather sexy…