In a nutshell, I think bathhouse.pptx is an homage to gay bath houses that no longer exists today. For someone who has been to these places, the scenes evoked emotions of familiarity of the glorious days of my younger days. The characters in the bath house are all real and authentic. It was a nice touch adding a musical performance, reminiscent of Bette Midler when she was starting.
Now, I am all for innovative ways of telling a story. And I applaud the playwright for devising a new way how to tell the younger generation about the gay bathhouses. In this case, a 10th grade student has a presentation about showers which lead to bath houses. But I think on paper it might have sounded good but I felt it did not fully work. The transition of a student asking a question to the presenter and becoming part of the bath house clientele was kind of confusing , and the final scene where the lone female actor who played the bathhouse cleaner , was masturbating made me confused why that scene was included.
Over all , I find it interesting. Worth watching.

Lots of full frontal male nudity from the male cast members.
Sam Gonzalez as the presenter is fully clothed all throughout the play until his final monologue while he was showering fully naked for about 5 minutes. He has a thick circumcised cock.
Gilbert Sanchez has a brief full frontal, you will need to sit audience right to see his big uncut cock and bushy pubes.
Yonatan Gebeyehu played multiple characters and he is more of a shower than a grower. He has a circumcised cock and a big ass.
Manuel Alcazar has an uncut cock, and nice ass. His pubes are trimmed.
I commend the Flea theater for producing plays that pushes the boundaries and this play certainly is not afraid to do that showing the sexuality inside the bath house. A shout to Claudia Acosta the only female cast member for stealing the show.

Aside from the nudity, I really enjoyed this play. Haven’t seen good gay theater for awhile.
There’s nudity in the Public Theater play Jordans, not sure male or female
Just saw the play. I don’t know if they made changes since your review, but my experience was definitely different. Sam’s nude scene was as described; Yonatan briefly flashed his penis two or three times for a few seconds; and Gilbert and Manuel essentially only showed rear (you could maybe make out the silhouette of their dicks for a split second if you were able to pause a recording of the show).
Any new updates?